Many businesses and organisations will fold in the pandemic, it’s not out of the question that Watchtower should be one of them.
yep--and they will probably blame jehovah.
so why do you think org went online?
they were selling khs left and right for years.
plus video talks and new building for filming videos.
Many businesses and organisations will fold in the pandemic, it’s not out of the question that Watchtower should be one of them.
yep--and they will probably blame jehovah.
so why do you think org went online?
they were selling khs left and right for years.
plus video talks and new building for filming videos.
the internet fucked the watchtower.
they don’t go to conventions .
they don’t go to assemblies.
they don’t go to meetings.
i was told that minimus was talked about on six screens by someone who said “minimus is a racist “.
i just want to set the record straight and say he is a great guy and loves everybody equally.
race and color does not make a person better or worse.
i feel all warm and fuzzy.
a few weeks ago; a witness couple from the midwest reached out to me after 25+ years.
they said they were doing a letter writing campaign and decided to reach out to me… they called on my personal cell phone, which was a little surprising.
a few days ago, a couple that i knew from over 40 years ago, sent me a text, again to my personal cell phone.. i assume that they just googled my name to get the personal info.
maybe its all part of the cult's strategy. no meetings--no door knocking. getting in contact with us ex's--risking more becoming ex's. selling off halls. merging congs.
one word--downsizing.
a few weeks ago; a witness couple from the midwest reached out to me after 25+ years.
they said they were doing a letter writing campaign and decided to reach out to me… they called on my personal cell phone, which was a little surprising.
a few days ago, a couple that i knew from over 40 years ago, sent me a text, again to my personal cell phone.. i assume that they just googled my name to get the personal info.
of course--a very real risk is that any person being contacted by former friends in this way could well end up showing their former friends the real truth about the truth.
a few weeks ago; a witness couple from the midwest reached out to me after 25+ years.
they said they were doing a letter writing campaign and decided to reach out to me… they called on my personal cell phone, which was a little surprising.
a few days ago, a couple that i knew from over 40 years ago, sent me a text, again to my personal cell phone.. i assume that they just googled my name to get the personal info.
probably a lot easier re-kindling an old interest rather than trying to find someone to start from the beginning with.
slithy tove
you got me there, Blues--had to google it.
they don’t go to conventions .
they don’t go to assemblies.
they don’t go to meetings.
hey Godbotherer--are you an ex jw or what ?
they don’t go to conventions .
they don’t go to assemblies.
they don’t go to meetings.
could be a "no going back" situation developing..especially the door to door drudge.
could see an even greater sell off of KH's if the zoom thing proves popular.
in fact--with no KH head count--and no door to door figures reported--it could be boom time for the watchtower--even higher fake numbers.